Want a Phenom 9900? I know I do, but how about in a case that could very well fly away for even start walking around your room. While I doubt it’ll spark the machine revolution this case will most certainly be the most badass thing I’ve ever seen.

the case

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Procare e|Share ES-8068: Dedicated BitTorrent Client Fetches Booty On It’s Own [verdict: arrrrrr!]

-From Gizmodo
Personally, I don’t care about what Adam says, I just can’t tolerate all those evil criminals, those potential terrorists who insist on stealing music and movies from their rightful owners by using BitTorrent in their computers. Shame on them!
Procare elShare ES-8068

I mean, why waste computer processing time when you just can do it with style and use this Procare e|Share ES-8068, a dedicated BitTorrent client that you can set up using a Web browser? After that, without using your PC at all, it will connect directly to the Internet using Ethernet, storing files in a USB 2.0 hard drive, and Bob’s your uncle. Or Blackbeard. Or Captain Sparrow. Or Geena Davis. Whatever floats your boat, matey. You can buy it for $85 plus shipping, patch and parrot not included. – Jesus Diaz

Product page [Procare via PC Watch]