Mozilla CEO: Apple Auto-Installing Safari 3.1 “Borders on Malware”

-From Gizmodo and Znet

So most of you probably saw the thrust that the apple auto updater pushed on windows machines even if they didn’t have Safari already installed. This was bold on apple’s part in my opinion, even through I always says cancel.
This what Mozilla CEO John Lilly had to say about it

-from John Lilly’s Blog

What Apple is doing now with their Apple Software Update on Windows is wrong. It undermines the trust relationship great companies have with their customers, and that’s bad — not just for Apple, but for the security of the whole Web. What they did yesterday was to use their updater for iTunes to also install their Safari Web browser –what follows is some background and analysis.

What do you guys think of this push by Apple?
Also before I forget check out the gizmodo link for a nice poll on the topic

Hacker Hijacks Netscape Domains – Forwards All Netscape Domains to Digg

So apparently some person decided to make the Netscape homepage forward to Digg. For people who are having trouble with this Netscape claims to be working on it, they might have even fixed it by now, but in case they haven’t heres the link to check your mail.

Leaked: Windows Live Messenger 8.5

Here are some pictures that I found from digg and a stumble

From what I’m hearing, the leaked version is only in Spanish and you have to work some magic to get it to work in English. Also it doesn’t appear to work with Messenger Plus!. Plugins haven been dropped so other than that nothing much else here. Here’s the link in case I missed something.
To me it looks nice, but I don’t think I’ll get it for my Vista/Ubuntu laptop. For now I’ll be sticking with my Trillian